#Lore24 - Day 2 - Kotims

As I managed to squeeze a second day out of the one-a-day challenge for world building, I continue on the topic of telepathy to expand on the concepts of a kotim, a mental construct that is used for governance of telepaths.

The idea of a kotim came from GitLab idea of “everything is a pull request”. In effect, a kotim is like a forge project with collective knowledge (wiki), discussions, and decisions (records committed into the repository). They can be transient or persistent, housed anywhere, and contains the memories and decisions from members of that kotim (called a collective).

My intent is that the innocuous link to the topic has all the details I've written and the blog post is only about the inspiration or reasoning behind it. Also, while I like challenges like Lore24, I do also focus on the continual posting which means I'm going to try building up a buffer of entries. However, I don't really want to teach the fedran.com how to post pages on a specific date, so there will be cases when a topic of the day will be available to read long before it is actually referenced. But, I promise that the pages don't exist (or had trivial data) before January 1, 2024 and I'm just building up a steady stream to handle those days when I'm burned out.